Saturday, February 27, 2010

The One-Hundred Year Snooze

Olivia joined Isom Elementary's drama club a couple of months ago. They've been working on "The One-Hundred Year Snooze" ever since. Last night was their performance. Olivia was one of the seven "Graces", the nice fairies that bestowed gifts on the baby princess of the land. Liv got to sing a solo as well. It was a fun evening and Liv was great!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

February Highlights...So Far!

1. Scott got his Eagle Scout.
2. Chloe was accepted to BYU!
3. Scott submitted his ceramics work to BYU for scholarship consideration.
4. Got to be Jennifer Glancy's escort for her first time through the Nashville Temple.
5. Temple with Rance and a bunch of others from our stake on Friday.
6. Scott came in to my room today and said he hoped I start feeling better soon.
7. Started reading Fablehaven with Olivia.
8. Have received numerous donations for Isom Elementary's Spring Fling raffle baskets...I am the fundraising chair. It's been fun to meet area business owners and experience their generosity.
9. Sophi got a very cute short haircut.
10. Jake played his best basketball game ever yesterday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Emily Pond Ricks

Emily is a talented woman! She used to be in my stake and I knew her through the YW program. I just listened to her new album and it is fantastic! I especially love "The BestKind of Love" - "Sweet Dreams" - "In A Lot of Love" and "If I Could". Have a listen and tell me if you agree!!