Monday, January 12, 2009

Guess Who?


"Betty Jo"


Yes, we have crazy fun kids and I wouldn't trade them for the world. The one not participating in this fun activity was probably off texting a certain someone. These guys decided to do this after our unique family home below of "The Rocket"...I'm surprised no one came away with a broken bone!


Christine said...

You guys are crazy!!!!


LaDawn said...

Takes one to know one! ;)

The blogging Bakers said...

Ok seriously we have to remember that trick for when you come in July, tell your kids that Robert will show them a new meaning of "rocket"!!! By the way my kids loved your videos.

LaDawn said...

OK-if Robert were to shoot the kids in the air, they may never come back down. It will depend on if they are getting on my nerves by that point in the trip if I let him do it or not!!

Anonymous said...

Your launch is the best, LaDawn-- What a great face!