Saturday, November 14, 2009


Jake has been into hunting for the last six months or so...with his first trip last April to hunt for Coyote...without success. He still enjoyed being with Rance.
He has been preparing for the deer hunting season ever since. He reads hunting magazines and gun magazines. He looks up information on the web. He talks about what he has learned...A LOT! This summer, Uncle Joe let him borrow his shotgun for this hunting season.
Rance and Jake went out early this morning...left the house at 4:30...and went to our friends' property down in Columbus. They have about 35 acres I think and were so kind to let the guys hunt on their land. About 15 minutes after sunrise, Rance says a doe came into view with a buck coming up behind. They watched them move through the trees for a few minutes when the buck stepped out right in view and just stood there. So Rance shot. It dropped right where it stood. They brought it home and dropped it off at the meat processing place and found out they were the first to check in with a deer on opening day!!

Jake is ready for his antlers to be mounted on a plaque...guess Rance and I will explore how to do that next!! I love how our children's interests enrich our lives as well!
Now the only thing left is to figure out how to get the girls to eat the venison...they all turned up their noses at the mention of us eating the deer this winter!


Cindy said...

I love it! It was so exciting. In regards to the girls...I don't enjoy it either, but I will eat it in vegetable soup and really can't tell a difference. Good luck!

Sheryl said...

Congrats to Jake! Hope you really don't have to mount those antlers. M&D's neighbor gave Seth a deer skull with antlers that he wants to hang in his room. But, since we share a room, I won't let him. :)

LaDawn said...

Well, we had some venison tenderloins tonight and they were to die for...tender and juicy. I never would have guessed it was deer meat!