Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Sophi!

Sophi turned 15 on December 31st!
Her best friends helped her celebrate!
Katie Baker, Macey Mann, Aaran Bober, Sydney Sebastian & Morgan Grey!

Sophi requested that her room be painted for her birthday. She and I went to Lowe's on her b-day and chose the colors. Chloe helped with the design.
Rance and the girls took care of the base coat and my steady hand was called in for the dots.
It was fun!
The finished product...complete with our favorite vampire!

This is one of my favorite pics of Sophi...first grade "Apple Day".

My little doll!
I just want to rub my cheek against her cheek when I look at this! I've thoroughly loved having Sophi in our family. She is definitely her own person. Sophi knows what she wants and likes and there will be no persuading her otherwise! She is so helpful to us around the house. She is an organizer extraordinaire. And she is completely hilarious when she gets in "that mood". We love her and couldn't live without her!


Christine said...

What fun paint! I have that same color waiting ...and waiting to go in my bathroom. lADwan love those ladybug shorts!

Leanne said...

Sophi has grown up so much - gone are the days of the quiet little girl! She will always be one of my favorite people. Sophi and the girls called me the other night. I love that they are still as crazy as ever. They all talked a mile a minute, I had to listen very carefully to what each of them were saying.

LaDawn said...

Christine...I knew you would recognize my new painting shorts! I promise to give them back someday...if you really want me to, I'll mail them to you!

LaDawn said...

Leanne...Sophi told me that they called you. And then I got your message about EFY...and thought I saved it with your phone numbers but I must have deleted it and now I need your phone numbers again! But I love how the girls still love you and want to include you in their lives. We all miss you!

Jessica said...

Love the room! And the vampire definitely completes it.

The blogging Bakers said...

I love Sophi's room. SO creative. I can't believe she is 15. It's crazy how fast time goes.

Janet said...

Love, love, love Sophi's new room. Walls are always happy when they get a little something on them.