Saturday, April 4, 2009

Our Jakey is THIRTEEN!

Jake turned 13 today. He was so sweet...last night he came and sat on my bed and asked me for the exact time of his birth. I ended up telling him all about the night he was born...the highlights were: 1. My water broke for the first time and I thought I had peed the bed. 2. I had Rance turn around at the end of our street to go back for the video camera. 3. I delivered Jake within an hour of arriving at the hospital. 4. I had to have an oxygen mask and lay on my side for most of the time because Jake was in distress. 5. Jake's cheeks got stuck on the way out. (They only got bigger...see below!) 6. LaRae almost passed out during the delivery! 7. Jake was a sweetheart from the start!

Jake used to take naps with me. While he laid beside me, he wouldn't poke at my eyes or nose...instead, he would stroke my cheek.
Krispy Kreme instead of cake...he's my kind of guy!
(Thanks Mom & Don for bringing them!)

The happy couple!

Special birthday breakfast request from the birthday boy.

You can tell he's thrilled to be a teenager.

Granny knows what Jake likes!

Not ready for kisses from the ladies yet!

Our FOURTH teenager!


Leanne said...

We love Jake! His baby picture is so cute. Sorry we called so late today, forgot about the time difference. Kyle wanted to make sure he called Jake. Our babies are growing up!

Sheryl said...

Happy birthday, Jake! He's such a cutie!